Direct Shipper

Direct Shipper, as defined by West Virginia statutes, means any winery, farm winery, supplier or retailer of wine that is licensed and in good standing in its domicile state who sells and ships wine up to a maximum of two (2) cases of wine per month directly to an adult West Virginia resident who is twenty-one years of age or over for such resident’s personal use and consumption and not for resale. A “direct shipper” must obtain a direct shipper’s license from the State of West Virginia and meet the requirements in West Virginia Code §60-8-1 et seq. and Legislative Rule CSR 175-4.

The privileges, duties and responsibilities for the direct shipping of wine is detailed in Legislative Rule CSR 175-4-9 and authorized by West Virginia Code §60-8.


Related Forms and Packets:

Direct Shipper Licensing Packet

Direct Shippers Licensing FAQ

Wine Brand Registration Packet